“His return home is undesirable” Ordinary people and the Holocaust

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  • “His return home is undesirable” Ordinary people and the Holocaust
04 Oct

The Holocaust Musem cordially invites you to
the opening ceremony of its new temporary exhibition entitled
“His return home is undesirable”
Ordinary people and the Holocaust

Our temporary exhibition aims to give a comprehensive, socio-historical, yet humanistic picture of Jewish persecution in Budapest. By following the lives of members of five different occupational groups, we aim to take a closer look at the changes brought about by the process of Aryanization. There are countless political-historical works on the Hungarian Holocaust, which tell us when, by whom, and how anti-Jewish measures, exclusion, ghettoization, and deportations were decided. There are also many family histories dealing with the Holocaust. However, the intermediate level, the marginalization process within an occu-pational group, the fate of the profiteers, and even more those who lost their jobs and the people who were marginalized, is rarely seen in the same framework.
From the first so-called anti-Jewish Law of 1938, our exhibition examines the reorganization of selected occupational groups, the loss of jobs of people classified as Jews, and the drafting of people into labor service. Due to the size of the exhibition space, we could not aim for a complete picture, so we rather focus on human lives alongside important professional turning points. As a result, the fate of members of the Bar Association of Attorneys, journalists, concierges, butchers and workers of the Budapest Transport Company (BSZKRT) are presented in a single space with references to the destruction of the Second World War.

Words of welcome by
Dr. Andor Grósz, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Holocaust Museum

Opening words by
Dr. János Sziklai

Guided tour of the exhibition by
István Pál Ádám and András Lénárt, curators of the exhibition

1094 Budapest, Páva utca 39.

13 October, 2024, 17:00

If you wish to participate, please fill the Google form by 11 October 2024:


Név Méret
Invitation 154 KB