Recent challenges of Holocaust musealisation. Museums and memorial sites as spaces for Holocaust remembrance.

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  • Recent challenges of Holocaust musealisation. Museums and memorial sites as spaces for Holocaust remembrance.
08 May

The Holocaust Memorial Center cordially invites you to the
Recent challenges of Holocaust musealisation.
Museums and memorial sites as spaces for Holocaust remembrance.

International conference – Holocaust Memorial Centre, Budapest – 30‒31 May 2024.

Holocaust becomes part of national and local memory when local people feel that it became their own story. Museums are important tools of keeping and transmitting the local memory. It is crucial to share institutional experiences in terms of how the visitors’ interpretations and individual experiences could be built in the exhibited materials, shaping by this the exhibitions.

Experts from eleven countries arrive to the conference organized by the Memorial Center. During the event, they will try to respond the following questions among others:
What challenges does an interactive Holocaust museum face nowadays? What do we mean by memorial evaluation with contemporary eyes? How do Holocaust museums shape the moral requirements of visual display of atrocities?

30-31 May, 2024.

1094 Budapest, 39. Páva street

The conference will be held in English with Hungarian interpretation.

Please RVSP by 28 May, 2024



Név Méret
book-of-abstract 162 KB
invitation 188 KB
Programme 143 KB