The Holocaust Public Foundation is a nonprofit public benefit organization. The state funding merely covers the operational costs and the costs of basic tasks. We need your support in order to realize the goals of the Foundation.
Where will your support go?
Scientific research
The research of the history of the Hungarian Holocaust
Recording the names of Hungarian Holocaust victims and the compeltion of the list
The research of individuals and organizations who rescued Jews during WWII and proposing their awarding
The creation of the region’s largest Holocaust-related book, audio and film collection with a publicly accessible, electronic catalogue system
The systematization of Holocaust-related documents and objects, and their digitalization according to the newest international regulations
Cooperations with Hungarian and foreign organizations and institutions
The organization of international conferences
The development of the educational activities, and the creation of new educational packages for highschool students
Tolerance educational programs
The development of museum pedagogical methods and the organization of student groups’ visits
Cultural activities
The organization of temporary exhibitions
The collection and presentation of Holocaust-era literary, musical and art pieces
The organization of cultural events
Further information:
Dr. János Botos deputy director
Tel: +36 1 455-3320