International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance- Annual Report 2017

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  • International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance- Annual Report 2017
12 Mar

2017 has been a year of important discussions and excellent cooperation within the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. Under the thoughtful guidance of the Swiss Chairmanship, the 31 Member Countries agreed on a strategy for the first time in the organization’s 20 year history.

˝In times of rising antisemitism and populism, the IHRA recognizes more than ever the need for a fact-based approach to history. By preserving the testimonies, sites and archival materials of the past, we can inform the future. As we turn to look towards the Italian Chairmanship, I am convinced that a great opportunity stands before us: to make concrete impact in the area of countering distortion and safeguarding the historical record.˝ (Dr. Kathrin Meyer, IHRA Executive Secretary)

On 6 March, Italy assumed the chairmanship of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. The outgoing Chair Ambassador Benno Bättig of Switzerland handed over the Chairmanship to Ambassador Sandro De Bernardin of Italy.

The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, initiated in 1998 by former Swedish Prime Minister Göran Persson, unites governments and experts to strengthen, advance and promote Holocaust education, research and remembrance and to uphold the commitments to the 2000 Stockholm Declaration.

The IHRA’s network of trusted experts share their knowledge on early warning signs of present-day genocide and education on the Holocaust. This knowledge supports policymakers and educational multipliers in their efforts to develop effective curricula, and it informs government officials and NGOs active in global initiatives for genocide prevention.   

During 2017 IHRA visits/events took place in 8 countries, 64 new delegates were registered,10 IHRA projects were in progress and 127 news articles were published on the IHRA website. To find out more please see the following annual report.
