Randolph Louis Braham, the doyen of Hungarian Holocaust research is 90

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  • Randolph Louis Braham, the doyen of Hungarian Holocaust research is 90

Randolph Louis Braham, the world renowned Holocaust researcher and historian was born 90 years ago, on December 20th, 1922. The school founder scholar is the Emeritus Professor of the New York City University, the director of the Rosenthal Institute, and is a great authority inthe field of international Holocaust research. Generations of researchers grew up on his studies.

At the occasion of a visit by Prof. Emeritus Randolph L. Braham to the Holocaust Memorial Center on October 11 2011, he has solemnly opened the BrahamTheque Information Center>>. The aim of the Center is to collect the research results and publications of Professor Braham and make them available to researchers, educators and to the public in easy to access digital form.