The First Witness to Testify on the Horrors of Holocaust

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  • The First Witness to Testify on the Horrors of Holocaust
10 Nov

Jan Karski (1914-2000) – courier of the Polish underground state during World War II who twice infiltrated the Warsaw Ghetto and a concentration camp in German Nazi-occupied Poland. His eyewitness account jointly with a call for urgent intervention, unfortunately unheard, he delivered to W. Churchill and F. D. Roosevelt in 1942. Citizen of Poland, the USA, honorary citizen of Israel. A Righteous Among the Nations.

Karski’s deeds will be honored; his legacy and lessons learned 75 years after the outbreak of WWII at a commemorative session organized by the Embassies of the Republic of Poland and of the United States of America, the Polish Institute in Budapest and the Holocaust Memorial Center at Páva Street 39 on October 16, 2014.




Planting of a memorial tree. Addresses by

Prof. Dr. György Haraszti, chairman, Holocaust Memorial Center,

Roman Kowalski, Ambassador

André Goodfriend, Chargé d’Affairs


Presentation of the book Karski , Righteous Among the Nations

by Andrej Żbikowski



Panel discussion on the legacy of Karski.


Prof. Dr. György Haraszti,

Prof Andrej Żbikowski,

Gábor Papp, Chief editor, BBC History




For a selection of photos from the event please visit our photo gallery.