A prominent place on the list of scientific tasks of the Holocaust Memorial Center belongs to organizing scientific research in Budapest and other parts of Hungary, staging scientific conferences, fostering national remembrance and issuing scientific publications.
The institution maintains structured contractual relations with domestic and foreign organizations, educational centers, memorial sites and NGOs in order to perform high-level scientific and informative activities.
By establishing the BrahamTheque, it aims at collecting the results of the oeuvre of the outstanding scientist, Randolph L. Braham, as well as of other prominent researchers of the topic.
One of the priority tasks of the institution is to research cases of rescuing victims of the Holocaust, registering the evidence in a databank and preparing new recognitions by the Yad Vashem authorities. It is a national interest that the results of the new researches are utilized as soon as possible in the school curricula and education.
In the field of collection, it continues searching for memorabilia and documents from the period of the Shoah, collecting and preserving these items, as well as processing them into databanks. The results, worth of international attention, are published in almanacs, publications and exhibitions.
The Center calls for receiving copies of documents that had been transferred abroad, documents on restitutions, urges for researching the documentation on Shoah stored at institutions in the neighboring countries and compiling a register of relevant materials located there.
Excerpt from the “House of Remembrance” concept
by Prof. Dr. Szabolcs Szita